Ryan Parker

Ryan Parker


Ryan Parker

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Customer Review

From start to finish Kevin was AMAZING to work with. He showed up early and was professional and ready to get to work. He did a very thorough home inspection for the buyers I'm working with. His report covered everything from minor repairs to safety hazards and included lots of pictures and videos. His very detailed report had so much to offer and made understanding even the most important of repairs easy to understand. This company is honest, responsive, and truly cares about their customers. If I could give them 100 stars I would. I will definitely recommend their services to everyone I know.

MaryAnn B., Realtor

Southern Strides performed a home inspection for buyers I was representing. He was on time, professionally dressed, took multiple pictures throughout the home and documented items that needed to be addressed as well as items that were in good condition so my propsective buyers would be aware of the condition of the home, both good and bad. He provided an easy to read report for the buyers record as well as a report to submit to the sellers. I appreciated Kevin's timely reply to my request to book and he accomodated all of our schedules.

Karen M., Realtor

Southern Strides Inspections was a pleasure to work with. Kevin is a true professional who was very knowledgeable and efficient when inspecting our future home. He was prompt, on time and came out for a second inspection with only a 14 hour notice! Kevin answered all of my questions and explained in detail about the discrepancies that were found. Pictures were clear and explanations were concise. I would highly recommend Southern Strides Inspections without any reservations.

Dave D., Melbourne Beach, FL
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